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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Fifteen Years in My Apartment

Today (the 11th, not now when it is after midnight) was the 15 year anniversary of when I moved in. I invited some friends over and 2 friends came. And 1 roommate was here. I made baked ziti because that is what I would have made 15 years ago and because I completed my Italian course on Duolingo today too.

I went to Western Beef (ricotta, campanelle), Ozzie's (nothing), Key Food (nothing), Green Corner (3 lbs of ground beef), Bravo (nothing), Ozzie's (nothing), Key Food (spinach, genoa salami*), Jesus (nothing). I was outside a lot..

*At Key Food there was a sign saying they had a $5.99/lb sale on Genoa and hard Magnifico (the brand) salami). So I thought I'd have some antipasti and asked for a half pound of both. The guy said he was out of hard, so I said just give me Genoa. Then he did, and it was Boars Head and was $10.99/lb. I had already walked to 40 stores to save $1 on frozen spimach, so I didn't just accept it. I said he gave me the wrong one. He said "oh, I was out of hard salami."  (That isn't what happened!) but he did print out a new sticker to give me the correct price on the salami I did get.

I was going to get a 1/2 pound of Stella provolone ($5.99/lb) too, if he had asked me "anything else?" but he didn't so I saved either $3 or a random amount of money depending on how he cut cheese.

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