Lately when I go to Associated, I am not shopping for much and that has been causing employees to ask me if I need help finding anything. The first time I was just trying to find something that cost about $1 so I could break a $20 bill so I could do laundry. Yesterday I was just checking the price of some coffee but I got a phone call and wandered around the store answering questions about signing up for Ally Bank.
After I checked the price of the instant coffee and found it to be $6.39 and wanting to find it be $5.49 or $4.99, I walked to the door. A cashier said "were you looking for something?" My first reaction was to tell the truth: "I was looking for Cafe Bustelo instant coffee that costs either $5.49 or $4.99, but you have it for $6.39," but instead I said "no, thanks."
Earlier in the day, some guy tried to sell me electricity from a different company by knocking on the door of my apartment and talking to me. I hate that and I'm not going to switch electricity because of a person. I'm sure he's trained to deal with objections people like me have, so I told him that I like paying higher bills to Con Ed. You can't argue with that. And then he left me alone.
I guess the moral of the story is that I'm nice to grocery store people and not nice to people who invade my time and space.